A Model United Nations Experience Grounded in Ethics

Dear EthicalMUN VIII Delegates and Faculty Advisors,

We are so excited to announce EthicalMUN VIII! A day full of collaboration and competition, we hope that delegates will take advantage of this conference to connect with students from across the city and country, and most importantly have fun! All three of us have been doing Model UN for four years, and we have had eye-opening experiences that we will all cherish as we move to college and beyond. 

This year, our conference will offer many unique and interesting committees ranging from the Korean War to the Sorority Rush Tok scandal. We hope all our committees allow delegates to engage in meaningful discussions.

Ultimately, EthicalMUN is a conference centered on ethical dilemmas and will challenge delegates to tackle some of the world's toughest issues. It is our honor to continue to carry out this mission this year, given the ever-important need for young voices and changemakers in our current global political climate. It is our fervent hope that we will be able to host a conference that is exciting and educational for our delegates. We are looking forward to seeing you all in March and we can not wait for a weekend of thought-provoking debates and fun!

Wishing you all the best,

Nathan Rozoff, Dahlia Zemmel, and Zeke Tesler

Co-Secretaries-General, Fieldston Class of 2025



Click the link above to find out more about EthicalMUN's committees.


We have reached our cap and registration has been closed. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!